Other Housing Resources
IMmediate shelter

Bethlehem Inn is a non-denominational, community-based facility proving shelter, help and hope to those experiencing homelessness in Central Oregon. For more information see https://bethleheminn.org/ or call 541-389-2820
HomeSource of NeighborImpact is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency serving Central Oregon. Services offered include personal finance workshops, financial coaching, Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), home buyer services, and coaching, foreclosure and reverse mortgage counseling. For more information, call (541) 323-6567 or email homesource@neighborimpact.org
HOusing support and counseling

housing support and counseling

Housing Works administers a federal contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide rental assistance (Section 8 vouchers) to lower-income households in Central Oregon. Applications open for a one-week period each January. For more information see https://housing-works.org/vouchers/
This single family housing loan program assists approved lenders in providing low and moderate income households the opportunity to own their primary residence in eligible rural areas (outside the Bend city limits). Eligible applicants may build, rehabilitate, improve or relocate a dwelling in an eligible rural area. See, http://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-guaranteed-loan-program/or
other affordable homeownership options

other affordable homeownership options

kôr operates under the Community Land Trust (CLT) model. Community Land Trusts are nationally recognized, community-based nonprofit organizations that work to provide perpetually affordable home ownership opportunities. A CLT develops and stewards affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces and other community assets on behalf of a community. There is generally community ownership of land, and individual ownership of buildings. http://korlandtrust.org/about-kor/how-it-works/
First Story believes that owning your own home and building equity is a path to ending the cycle of multi-generational poverty. And they believe that hardworking, capable and prepared families deserve this chance at success – it’s why we’re here. First Story’s affordable loan program provides zero-down, zero-interest, 30-year loans to qualified individuals purchasing their first home. https://www.firststory.org/
other affordable homeownership options