This is a sample of questions commonly asked at meetings and workshops regarding the Homeownership Program with Bend-Redmond Habitat for Humanity. For more detailed information, watch the Informational Videos on our site. Please understand that one question and answer does not represent your ability to qualify or not for the program. Complete a Customer Intake Form and meet 1:1 with Habitat staff to review your qualifications and mortgage readiness.

Questions. Click on the arrow to see the Answer.

Answer: We utilize grants and seek out funding through the city and state to subsidize the cost of building our homes. Each homebuyer qualifies for a mortgage based on their household income. Any remaining funding gap is covered in a second loan from Bend-Redmond Habitat.

Answer: Yes. Bend-Redmond Habitat serves a broader income range than people might realize. See our program qualification flyer for more information.

Answer: Yes, disability income is counted as household income.

Answer: The definition of “bad credit” is different for everyone. The loan program we use requires a minimum credit score of 620. If you fill out a Customer Intake Form and schedule a 1:1 mortgage readiness meeting, we will review your credit history and look at ways to build your credit.

Answer: Right now, no. There are lenders working to get a loan product for ITIN holders. It may be available as early as 2023.

Answer: The main income earner must be the applicant or co-applicant. Your son’s income and credit score would have to be able to qualify for the loan.

Answer: We are an equal housing lender and as long as you meet the other guidelines, we encourage you to apply.

Possibly. We do not discriminate against people based on household make up. We encourage you to apply. Start by watching the informational video and submitting a Customer Intake Form. Both applicant and co-applicant must meet the basic Need, Ability to Pay and Willingness to partner guidelines.

Answer: Yes. We work with a variety of household types. Habitat plans to build one, two and three bedroom homes in the near future.

Answer: In most cases, an IBR plan is enough to show that your monthly debt obligation is within your means. The total amount of student debt is not necessarily a limiting factor to qualifying for a loan. If you are not on a verified payment plan, we would look at school loans as a percentage of the total loans (usually about 1.5% of the total as an estimated monthly payment).

Answer: Yes, as long as you meet the guidelines. We will look at the income of all the adults in the household.

Answer: Your mortgage payment will be set according to what you can afford, typically no more than 33% of your gross monthly income at the time of the home loan application.

Answer: Yes, but there are resale restrictions. Habitat has the right of first offer and there is a shared appreciation model. If Habitat does not choose to buy it back, you can sell it and will have to pay off any loans on the home. For more information, please watch the Informational Videos.

Answer: Bend-Redmond Habitat builds homes that are not only affordable for current homeowners, but also for future generations. The land lease model allows Habitat homeowners to build equity in their own homes, while ensuring that the home is affordable to the next buyer. Land leases enable Habitat to get more Central Oregon families into affordable homeownership.

Click here to download Land Lease FAQs

Answer: See this resource list provided by NeighborImpact 

Click here to download Resource List

For other questions, please email