Originally published here: https://ktvz.com/news/bend/2022/02/17/city-of-bend-selects-3-affordable-housing-fund-recipient-projects-totaling-1-1-million/
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) — The Bend City Council Wednesday night approved the 2022 Affordable Housing Fund recommendations from the council-appointed Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for three projects, totaling $1.1 million, to support the creation of 47 to 50 affordable housing units.
The projects selected to receive funding this year are:
- Bend Redmond Habitat for Humanity; for down payment assistance (or other mortgage buy-down assistance) to support eight families in purchasing townhomes in northeast Bend.
- Housing Impact, LLC; for the construction of 31 to 34 units of Permanent Supportive Housing for the chronically houseless in southeast Bend. This project is in partnership with Housing Works and NeighborImpact.
- Kôr Community Land Trust; for the re-development, site-improvement, and infrastructure of their third community located in southwest Bend, which will include eight affordable housing units.
The Affordable Housing Fund program started in 2006 as a solution to develop a wide variety of housing throughout Bend. Since its beginning, the fund has contributed to obtaining or creating over 800 affordable housing units.
The fund collects one-third of one percent of building permit fees submitted to the City of Bend, and uses the proceeds to acquire land for deed-restricted affordable housing, develop land, build homes or rehabilitate homes.
On April 6, the council will decide on recipients for the Community Development Block Grant program funding. The CDBG is a federal funding program that provides assistance for housing and community development activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons. The city expects approximately $125,000 will be available to distribute to organizations operating in Bend that support community members.
Both the Affordable Housing Fund and CDBG programs are guided by the City of Bend Consolidated Plan, a comprehensive housing and community development strategy that was prepared with extensive public involvement. Learn more about the City’s Affordable Housing Program online at www.bendoregon.gov/affordablehousing.